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Writer's pictureCynthia Robinson


Luke 9:61-62

New International Version

61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”

62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Who are we really following and why? I think that is the real question here. Jesus in effect says to this man. Anyone who is only willing to follow Me if he can gain the approval of others to do so is not useful to Me or the kingdom. I don’t think Jesus was upset because he wanted to tell his family bye but Jesus will always know the true heart. If your heart is not in the right place then your work will be burned up when you stand before God. Make sure what your true motives are. Is it to benefit you or the kingdom? God wants kingdom worker’s not all about me worker’s. Stay focused. Be committed. Find out what is so important and stay with it. The farmer who needs to drive the cow to plow the field must look to an object on the other side of the field and keep looking at it. If he turns his eyes to the side, then the plow line will follow that same direction. Following Jesus is a long term commitment. We must notice our tendencies to get distracted and determine in our hearts to follow Jesus. My father would always say you have to keep your eyes straight ahead when you are plowing. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus and nothing else. That means even family can’t be the distraction.

Go with Jesus today.

Audrey Gunn

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